Friday, May 17, 2013

Tokyo In Style

One thing has been impossible not to notice during my stay in Japan is : the fashionable girls. The Japanese are known for being obsessed with clothes, bags, accesories and branded items. There are twice as many Prada, Hermes and Burberry store in Japan as there are in United States even though Japan has half the population of the United States. Burberry even has its own label in Japan called Burberry Blue Label, and it's mostly cheaper than the original brand. So if you're one of the fan of the brand, you'd better get one while your stay in Japan, because Burberry blue label only selling in the country. 

It's 10 degrees that day in downtown Tokyo and everybody was wearing their coats. I can't help my self to not capturing these street fashion scene with my camera. And after I look at the photos once more, I just realized most of them combine their coat with a mini skirt or dress along with tights and boots.

Satu hal yang saya kagumi dari orang Jepang adalah, walau betapapun modern-nya negara ini, orang-orang Jepang masih sangat menjunjung nilai-nilai tradisional mereka. Jadi diantara cewe-cewe kece yang super stylish, kita masih akan sering ngeliat mereka memakai Kimono. Cantik banget!

Tapi yang paling saya tunggu-tunggu adalaaaaah... menginjakkan kaki di Harajuku dan foto sama Lolita! :D Lolita adalah tipe yang agak klasik di Harajuku, gaya mereka mirip kaya boneka eropa. Sebenernya ada banyak banget tipe style nya dari mulai Gothic, Victorian, Visual Kei (Rocker Jepang) sampe Ganguro (identik sama fashion yang warna-warna cerah, rok mini, dan lipstick warna putih)

Walau sempet hujan dan Takeshita street tampak sepi yang dandan aneh-aneh, akhirnya nemu juga satu yang Kawaii style banget! Langsung dong minta foto sambil minta ijin trus bilang "Kawaii... kawaii.." hahahaha *kamseupay*

And here's our traveling outfit.. Saatnya ngeluarin coat dan boots kita juga!

Sakeenablogstore Ponytail Hijab, MANGO coat, GAP dress, MANGO pants, MANGO gloves in animal printed, ROPPOPO shoes and MICHAEL KORS jetset travel tote bag

Sakeenablogstore Pashmina Glitter Hijab, MANGO coat, unbranded jeans, RUBI boots

unbranded dress, STRADIVARIUS cropped jacket, RUBI boots, LONGCHAMP bag


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